sábado, 9 de septiembre de 2017

Culture Shock


Adriana Ruiz Villaverde A01067079

English IV
Sandra Miranda Leal
September 2017

1.  In this project my partner Marco and I talked about what is the Mexican culture and the little advice that can be had when a person dresses in the country of Mexico and they are very little a little important that should be considered as the son of Mexican customs and respect them and also the people spend an excellent stay with the riches of Mexico.

From 1 to 10, I evaluate myself with a 9, I am good at my pronunciation but I have to practice more.

1.    Consider your classmates’ tips and say which was the funniest or the most interesting one:
     One of the most interesting tips my colleagues mentioned is eating outside with people and that you chew the food with your mouth open because it is a lack of education for other people and is something very frowned upon by people who are around you. 

Adriana Villaverde 

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