viernes, 20 de octubre de 2017


Tecnologico de Monterey

Campus Morelia
Adriana Ruiz Villaverde A01067079
Ingles IV
Sandra Miranda Leal



The project was about making a Counseling Show, where 2 neighbors go and try to solve their problems, they expose their complaints and the host of the show (the counselor) tries to help them to get an agreement. Something like ‘Señorita Laura’ show but SERIOUS OR FUNNY BUT NOT AGGRESSIVE!!!

What I liked from this proyect.

Hannia and Ana Lau
They have some grammatical errors.

Alexander, Mariana, and Gerza 
I can't hear the audio because it's very loud but it's very fluency the conversations.

Dante, Jorge, and Vicente
I prefer the music sound after the conversation because I can't hear and it's very creative.

Ivan, Claudia, and Miranda 
They did it well because they improvised and maybe the please don't have so much light.

Majo and Ramon

It's a good job because they edited very well the video and it's very creative.

Second Partial Writing Exam - Guide for foreign students

Tecnologico de Monterey

Campus Morelia
Adriana Ruiz Villaverde A01067079
Ingles IV
Sandra Miranda Leal


Second Partial Writing Exam - Guide for foreign students

This my exam with not errors

Hello, do you study in Mexico? If you study here, this guide is for you, enjoy it and I invite you to love Mexico.
- Everybody knows something about Mexico because it's completely different to other countries, and we have a lot of stereotypes about Mexicans one of them is, Mexicans are polite people and friendly. And I think this is true because you can talk with a lot of people and we're open mind about the conversation.
- Foood in Mexico is delicious and compared with other countries, it's very cheap and the size it's excellent to taste all the kind of Mexican food. I invite you to taste all the food.
-In Mexico, we celebrate a lot of days, so... we have a lot of holidays, like 2 months per year.
-The life in Mexico, I think it's very cheap, because in comparison with the USA the rent of a flat or house is very expensive, and in Mexico is depends on the zone, the rent can be expensive or cheap.
-Another very important point is the weather because is quite unlike it depends on the zone because in the north it's very hot and very cold, it depends on the season to other parts in Mexico have a perfect weather or temperature.
About the time, in some states, the difference of the tie is around one or two hours. The time doesn't change in the world it's completely different, but it's important to mention this point because you need to check the time for your classes so that you arrive early.
- I really love Mexico and I can say it's very similar to stay in the home because, in Mexico, you can find a little thing to enjoy your like.

Enjoy Mexico 

lunes, 25 de septiembre de 2017


Tecnologico de Monterrey
Campus Morelia 
Adriana Ruiz Villaverde A01067079
Teacher: Sandra Miranda Leal 
September 2017


My  book is titled:  The girl who loved Tom Gordon

This is the link of my video in Flipgrid:

On the video, I answer the following questions about it

1.What is the title of your book?
“The girl who loved Tom Gordon”

2.Who wrote it?
Stephen King

3.Mention, at least 3 relevant aspects of the author’s background (age/social position/occupation when writing the book, nationality, education, books, prizes, handicaps, etc.).

Stephen King was born on September 21, 1947, in Portland, Maine. He graduated from the University of Maine and later worked as a teacher while establishing himself as a writer. Having also published work under the pseudonym Richard Bachman, King's first horror novel, Carrie, was a huge success. Over the years, King has become known for titles that are both commercially successful and sometimes critically acclaimed. His books have sold more than 350 million copies worldwide and been adapted into numerous successful films.

4.When was the book written?
6 April 1999

5.Do you think the book/topic generated controversy when it was published? Why?
No, because this book isn’t real, it’s fiction and it’s very common the situation in the real life for the families and imagine the actions complemented the story.

6.Who is the main character? Tell everything you know about his/her age, social class, family, occupation, personality, physical appearance, etc.
The book talked about a family has a bad moment because the parents had divorced and the family had to move to another country to change the life, but in the context of the story pass stranger thing, and they have to learn it and try to do something with those situations.

7.What is the story about? / What does the main character want?

Nine-year-old Trisha McFarland strays from the path while she and recently divorced mother and brother take a hike along a branch of the Appalachian Trail. Lost for days, wandering farther and farther astray, Trisha has only her portable radio for comfort. A huge fan of Tom Gordon, a Boston Red Sox relief pitcher, she listens to baseball games and fantasizes that her hero will save her. Nature isn't her only adversary, though - something dangerous may be tracking Trisha through the dark woods.

8.What predictions can you make about the pages you didn’t read?
Maybe the other pages talk about the situation in the family and the story or adventures in the little travel to other country and strange things during the context of the book, and I think all the reading of Stephen King is like a horror story or suspense.

9.Who do you think is the target reader of this novel? Why?Entertain the people and be able to develop more their sense of imagination and the reader have a good time with himself.

10.Your opinion about the book.
I have a little opinion about 15 pages of the book, and it’s very interesting and for me an excellent form to write a fiction story, you can imagine a lot of thing with each word wrote from Stephen King And I want to continue reading the book on the Internet.

Stephen King. (2017). Retrieved 15 September 2017, from

Gordon, & King, S. (2017). The Girl Who Loved Tom GordonGoodreads. Retrieved 15 September 2017, from

sábado, 9 de septiembre de 2017


Tecnologico de MontereyCampus Morelia Adriana Ruiz Villaverde A01067079Ingles IVSandra Miranda Leal September 2017


1    This is the situation I’m complaining about a house I rented and the services include.

     Morelia, Michoacan
     Adriana Villaverde 
     Hello, I'm Adriana and I rented a little flat in New York and I'm very angry with the contract because you told me 3 things about the flat and some things are wrong. For example: 
  •       The house has a refrigerator and stove.
     -The first point is the refrigerator doesn't work and smells horrible.
           -The second point is the refrigerator is very expensive because the refrigerator uses a lot of energy.
  •      The houses include the payment of electricity.
-The energy service is not paid in the apartment, so I do not have the services that are included in the contract and it is also important to mention that because there is no light so the food in my refrigerator is spoiling.
  •     There is space to park 2 big cars.
 - With this point, I don't have a problem because all my neighbors respect my space to park my car. 

     The flat is beautiful but the service is very difficult to pay, I prefer to move to another flat, sorry but it's very expensive.

     I hope you change the refrigerator for a new refrigerator and you check the energy in the flat please, it's better for you.
      And I think it's all and thanks for the service.

                                                                                                       Atte: Adriana Villaverde

Culture Shock


Adriana Ruiz Villaverde A01067079

English IV
Sandra Miranda Leal
September 2017

1.  In this project my partner Marco and I talked about what is the Mexican culture and the little advice that can be had when a person dresses in the country of Mexico and they are very little a little important that should be considered as the son of Mexican customs and respect them and also the people spend an excellent stay with the riches of Mexico.

From 1 to 10, I evaluate myself with a 9, I am good at my pronunciation but I have to practice more.

1.    Consider your classmates’ tips and say which was the funniest or the most interesting one:
     One of the most interesting tips my colleagues mentioned is eating outside with people and that you chew the food with your mouth open because it is a lack of education for other people and is something very frowned upon by people who are around you. 

Adriana Villaverde