jueves, 17 de noviembre de 2016

Fortune Teller

Tecnológico de Monterrey
Campus Morelia
Ingles II
Adriana Ruiz Villaverde      A01067079

Fortune Teller

Okay in your future, I see that… You are going to drink a cup of coffee and this coffee is going to have a poison and you are going to lose your hair and this cup of coffee is going to be given to you by your boyfriend or girlfriend, you are going to like your new look, her girlfriend or boyfriend doesn’t like this new look so she is going to buy a new product for your hair and she is going to sanded it to put on in the full moon and you are going to do it and then you will have a sunny and cloudy days for the rest of your life.

MuerTec 2016

MuerTec 2016

MuerTec Is an activity for children of different schools that came to visit us to appreciate the floral carpets and the altars we made to celebrate all saint’s day.
The country that I spoked about to the group was Norway and the importance it has for this county to be warriors or Vikings and the great meaning that had for them the death and the great glory that represents arriving to the underworld.
A funeral for the Vikings was worth everything; the work that the worriers did in this world; It had to be a very honorable story and very fanciful, this is a part of Europe culture.
My participation in this MuerTec for me was very important also that it was my first event here as a student of Tecnológico de Monterrey.
To see the children's emotion with so many curious questions and to imagine the stories, the truth is that it was awesome, as well as I like being with children because it was fun to see their curious faces and their desire to learn more about new and different cultures.
Also, I collaborate with the preparation of the floral rug, I did some shopping to arm it. And with my mom and my godmother we made a skirt to be my outfit that day.

I also learned how Norwegian dress is and it was a little difficult to find my outfit, but it was fun to investigate so many things that I did not know, I learned that it is not the same to tell a story to babies or to older children and to older people. It was a very pleasant experience and I would love to repeat it again.

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miércoles, 31 de agosto de 2016

Describe yourself

Describe yourself

Hi, I´m Adriana Ruiz Vilaverde, I´m studing in Tecnologico de Monterrey, I’m intelligent, responsable, and I want to learn more things in the school, my favorites things to do is… go to downtown , cinema, spend time with my friends, and my family, I love travel so much to Mexico City and visit my familia and eat a lot, i like to  go other places to visit new culture and people and important things for example museum and this place, I love read , I love do sport, for example dance, pole dance, and more things, I have a pet, I love his so much.